A collection of thoughts. A conversation with no destination. Milk and honey. And the dirt that came from the fallen pot plant... The rest... I leave up to you to decide what to label... Stereotyping is fun... or so 'they' say...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Rainy days, Broken Umbrellas, and the Blurred Vision Between Grey and Blue.
The last few days have blessed us with treacherous weather...
For some, this brings a certain satisfaction, as if at the end of the day/s they would receive a certificate (or t shirt for those who love collecting extremely grotesque souvenirs) that says "I survived *fill this space with some cheesy tourist attraction*"... but they still feel that it's a hindrance, something that gets in the way of their daily commuting, work, socialising and other.
For others it's of more serious concern, it's like a slap in the face, with a cold hard wind (hmmm fitting) they no sooner step outside the door and they start cursing anything that isn't a warm bed/waterbottle/heater/hot cup of tea.. in reality at times, we all feel like cursing anything that moves... and some days you're entitled to it.
I for one, am in love with this kind of weather, and I'm not talking Holly Golightly cerca Breakfast at Tiffany's style, I'm talking about the dark, gloomy foreboding skies, downpours of rain so heavy the droplets of water sting your skin and the wind that makes your umbrella turn inside out along with your heart.
These are the days that cause you to feel different emotions, and the days you're allowed to retract into yourself... and discover new things.
Why is it the weather effects emotions so much?
On a normal blue skied day you're asked "what's the matter?" when someone catches a glimpse of your troubled look as you quickly plaster a smile on much like a scary clown who's had one too many to drink, and push the feelings down like it's your duty.
On a miserable day, no one blinks twice even when your face is as dark as the clouds above your head, unless it's to relieve the rain drops from your eyes.
I think it's time for equality.
Bring on emotional crazies on "rose coloured" days
and let the grey days visiting see the people receive them with a different perspective.
Lay down your arms! (Umbrellas)
The Paisley One x
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