A collection of thoughts. A conversation with no destination. Milk and honey. And the dirt that came from the fallen pot plant... The rest... I leave up to you to decide what to label... Stereotyping is fun... or so 'they' say...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cups of Jupiter
Cups of jupiter tea... swirls of colour in the bottom of my cup..
Burning lips... A constellation in my hands..
Sinking battles, ships at sea. Woman by the windows... waiting. waiting.
We carry what we need, and lose the rest... along with our minds.. and our dress.
Sense and ability to leave.. now it's gone.
And we walk on.
But never forget, the scars on our arms, our hearts... the dark hooded cloaks that we will forever have covering our faces, so as not to look into the eyes of the ones who used the knife...and severed us apart.