Escapism is a lonely tree, one in which you can climb and sit for hours on end, and no one will ever find you. Unless you want them to.
A collection of thoughts. A conversation with no destination. Milk and honey. And the dirt that came from the fallen pot plant... The rest... I leave up to you to decide what to label... Stereotyping is fun... or so 'they' say...
A hurt heart on it's behalf,
I’ll hold onto it, beating in my hand… erratic, jumpy, and it’s changing time.
There is no control, and there is no remedy… we just have to wait…
We can’t always be all brave-face-friendly, we are not always walking on a dream.
We start choking on the words that are trying to come from our mouths, and then they sound like words no longer.. they form animalistic, from deep inside, we cry.
The blanket we tried wrapping around it came loose, and now it's cold….heart frozen, I can still hear it beat, but faint. We are scared.
If only we could build a cave, line it with a warm embrace, and sleep through all of this…
We’d wake on the other side, and the worst will have past…
...but instead we are hunting, for a safe place to hide, with ashes in our eyes...until the volcano stops it's bellowing...