A collection of thoughts. A conversation with no destination. Milk and honey. And the dirt that came from the fallen pot plant... The rest... I leave up to you to decide what to label... Stereotyping is fun... or so 'they' say...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The windows are down and now we can breath again...

Midnight on the blinding platform of subconscious....
Metro platform.
Bright lights.
Telling me of the film "You & I".
Giving me the rundown in detail.
The soundtrack... with Mt Eerie, was the highlight for you.
Our hands gripped tightly the whole time.
Each train went past with a flash of blinding light.
The trains never slowed, not enough time for the passengers in the speeding carriages to see our silhouettes.
You talked and talked... more than I'd ever think you would.
And then silence.
It was stark against the emptiness of the place... bar one person, who
had been listening in on our conversation, for what reason I don't know (saved him from a pre thought out death)... Perhaps it was to get a glimpse into the lives of people living in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I kept on falling in and out of consciousness.... wanting to go back there... keep living that scene, to see where it took us....